Indie Music

Hello my fellow artists and musicians. I'm sure you're wondering about what I am blogging this time. Well, I have decided to dedicate this blog to informing independent artists of the many indie music websites to feature their artistry and connect with many music fans and other artists. This networking also gives the artist the opportunity to be heard by many other indie artists and advertised by word of mouth, which is the best and most credible advertisement yet. You can register and upload your music on all of the following sites for free, or of a small nominal fee, or depending on the package that best fits your needs and goals:

Here you can sign up free of charge by uploading one song with no music review, and by paying a monetary fee with regards to your music being reviewed and entered into Indie-Music's Top 25 Awards. Then you are screened for notable artists, editor's picks, radio stations and much more.

This site is dedicated towards socializing the artists' music to many different fans. Fans and artists are allowed to sign up. You can distribute your music to leverage digital sales by providing DRM free MP3s to consumers, allowing fans to sell your music from their profiles and other social network profiles, such as Facebook. There's a low transaction fee for sold songs and free members pay a fee of $7.95 and up to sell their songs. Fans can earn Indie points every time a song is sold from their profile. Indie points is a loyalty program that awards to hardest working artist. Every time a song is uploaded, it is shared to many social networking sites, automatically sharing your tunes to friends and fans. Fans can subscribe to you, staying in touch with your updates and a chance to enter the International Songwriting Competition (2010).

At SCE Stations, artists can sign up and get introduced to meet many different producers and services that can help jump start their career. This website showcases independent music from artists worldwide. There is a $20 fee to submit songs on this site. Artists can also enter contests enabling TV commercial exploitation. There are ample opportunities for your music to be heard and reviewed by legendary judges.

This site is like a catalog of the best Indie & unsigned artists. By signing up, you can get your music ranked and receive feedback from industry professionals. Fans and other artists can listen to your music, and you have the ability to get listed among the top songs and among the top charts.

The subscription is free to sign up for YouTube. Artists can take the advantage of uploading their own music video and songs, for worldwide review and receive comments from anyone who listens to their music. Artists and fans can also subscribe to your YouTube channel to stay updated on your activities and new uploads.

There are many opportunities and websites for artists who are seriously seeking to advance their music career and fan-base. These are just some popular networks to get artists started in the right direction. So if you want exposure, this is how you begin.